Did you know that cameras experience diffraction differently depending on the sensor design? Do you know what your cameras diffraction starting point is? Could be worth it if you are looking to maximize sharpness.

Today we are talking about DLA, or diffracting limited aperture, which is a diffraction starting limit based on sensors. Ill have a very nerdy video coming soon that will take this to a whole different level, but I wanted to make a shorter video defining the term.

I have a series of videos coming that will describe the limits and challenges of cramming more and more photosites into a sensor. The Canon 90D / M6ii which have the most MP for an APSC sized sensor have a very interesting issue: they are near the limit of what EF zoom lenses appear to be capable of resolving. More to come soon!

Michael’s Training Videos

Michael’s Maven Straps

DLA Calculator

#DLA #DiffractionLimitedAperture